Morning has Broken

I was up at 5:30am this morning to catch the sunrise and to check out whats happening in Bondi…

things i noticed:

  • The renovations on Notts Avenue Icebergs are still continuing.. I got a shot of the sun coming up through the railings

  • There was the usual crowd gathered at Icebergs at 5:45am waiting for the 6am opening time. They’re a dedicated bunch!

  • One man, probably in his 60s, was doing his dance workout on the lower level of Icebergs balcony. I shot some of his moves from above. He was on fire!

  • There was some early morning work being done on the central lifeguard tower on Bondi Beach.

  • One guy bought his bike down to the beach, right on to the sand, and watched the sunrise with a coffee, looking very relaxed and happy with how he was starting his day

  • I did a 10 minute meditation near the South ramp

  • All in all, a great morning!